Boyd Holbrook is cultivating himself one hell of an IMDb profile. You probably recognise him as DEA agent Steve Murphy, one of the lead characters in Narcos, Netflix’s gritty series about legendary drugs lord Pablo Escobar. Or you may have seen him in the hit film Gone Girl.
Then there’s what’s ‘coming soon’ on his agenda: a role in Terrence Malick’s star-studded film Weightless, playing the villain in the Wolverine sequel and, of course, returning to our screens in the second season of Narcos (out Friday 2nd September).
Holbrook is talking to us today as the face of the Diesel BAD fragrance, which is apt seeing as he has a glittering former career as a high fashion model. He says that BAD is for “Someone a bit more confident… There is an attitude, a badass quality where you are living your own life on your own terms.” And similarly, when it comes to style, Holbrook knows what he likes – and what he doesn’t.
How would you describe your style?
Ghost punk, maybe? A little punk rock, everything I wear is very functional. I love hats, I love vests. I do like to look sharp.
Who is your style icon?
I think Jack White is pretty dope. He’s a little bit more crisp than me in his approach; he’s always in a suit, he’s always sharp, he’s always cleaned up.
What is your favourite item in your wardrobe right now?
This amazing sweater that I got on a motor trip through Patagonia. It’s black, and orange, and red. Some woman hand wove it and I got it for like 5 bucks from a market there. It’s made out of beautiful wool and is the only one of its kind.
What is your must-have accessory?
I collect hats and I’m really big into Stetsons. Not particularly the Stetsons brand but that sort of fedora-type. I just think it’s sharp.
What trend do you think needs to be retired immediately?
Skinny jeans and an extra big t shirt. Ugh, I cannot stand that. It looks like an idiot, it’s just proportionately wrong. And the super, super, super, super, super, super, super skinny jeans. I don’t think you can get anything done when you’re wearing clothes that tight. And I cannot fucking stand logos, like, all over. I’d never wear logos.
Where’s your go-to place to buy clothes?
I never go shopping, or if I do, I just do it in one month. I’ve been using Mr Porter, you can find everything you want on there.
Explain smart/casual to us.
It means make an effort.
What’s the best piece of style advice you’ve ever heard?
“Please, what are you wearing? Don’t do that.”